We are experimental.

CharlestonHacks is constantly evolving. We believe in “hacking” in the broadest sense of the word, ever-changing and shaping our endeavors to fit the needs of the people in our community. We don’t get wrapped up in past performance, we experiment, hack and improve.

Innovation Engine is Experimental.

We address problems in a direct way, utilizing resources previously unavailable or unidentified. Innovation Engine is experimental because it depends on the unique collaborations focusing on shared goals.  

Innovation Engine Unites Communities.

Our unique community generously offers it’s time and resources to eachother, because we know that we are stronger together.  

Investment Community and Government

Innovation Engine’s resources extend to the investment community, which fuels enterprises, and government which facilitates the growth of the community itself.  

Academic Institutions and Facilities

Our academic institutions are the life blood of our community, providing a pipeline of talented people into the workforce. This workforce is supported by a vibrant environment of facilities that allow for collaborative innovation.

Supportive Business Community

Our businesses are a valuable part of our economic landscape, providing jobs and offering needed services and partnerships.

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